Kouki Ren


Koukiren Offstage

Picture Credit: fayegumi | Hanagumi Kumibon VIII

Standard Profile Information

Name: Kouki Ren
Kanji: 光稀 れん
Current Troupe: Flower
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: R, Rennii
Height: 173 cm
Birthday: April 29th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Bunkyo, Tokyo
Favorite Food: sweet rolled egg, namafu
Favorite Flower: wisteria
Favorite Colors: blue
Hobbies: hotpot parties, music
Collections: panda goods
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: would like to take on various roles

Debut: 2022 (108th Class) A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation -Midnight Girlfriend- / Gran Cantante!!
Troupe History:
2022 - Current Flower Troupe


2025: Fleeting Stars Shining at the Ocean's End (Bow Hall), Charles Herbert Lightoller
2024-25: Angelic Lie / Jubilee
2024: Liefie (Nippon Seinenkan / Umeda Arts), Man of the City
2024: Arc-en-ciel
2023: Singing Lovebirds / Grand Mirage!
2023: Mayerling / Enchantement
2022: Complete Devotion (Bow Hall), Shop Boy (Ichinose Kouki version only)
2022: Years of Pilgrimage / Fashionable Empire
2022: A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation / Gran Cantante!!

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024-25: Angelic Lie, Fabio (HY: Amashiro Rein)
2024: Arc-en-ciel, Georges (HY: Ayaki Hikari)
2023: Singing Lovebirds, Seafood shop owner (HY: Taou Shun)
2023: Mayerling, Krüger (HY: Natsuki Manato)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


None yet.

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Tuesday 11 of February, 2025 17:26:05 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
